CERTESS®CARBON TC is a dense, metastable form of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) containing significant SP3 bonding. This process of bonding carbon and hydrogen confers valuable 'diamond-like' properties such as mechanical hardness, low friction, optical transparency and chemical inertness. CERTESS®CARBON TC also has an amourphous carbon (t-aC) layer with an optimized metallic sublayer for extra-high load application to limit tribo-corrosion risks.

Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL)
- Tool Steels Maraging Steels
- Stainless Steel
- Titanium
- Alumiunium
Temp. Ratings
- Thickness (micron): 1 - 3
CERTESS®CARBON TC can be applied to almost any material that is compatible with a vacuum environment and can withstand 220°C. Most widely used applications are tool steels, maraging steels, stainless steels, aluminum and titanium.
Extra High hardness, Excellent abrasive wear resistance, Low thermal conductivity, Ultra-Low friction level.
- Chemically Inert
- Corrosion Protection
- Extreme Low Coefficient of Friction
- Tribo-corrosion resistance